(1)型号/ Type
KHB ( BKH )=阀块型球简DN04-25/ ve block type bal valve DNO4-25
KHM ( MKH )=袖套型球间DN32-50/ sleeve type bal valve DN32-50(
(2)连接形式/ Connecting methods
Reference table for thread specifications or pipe external diameter and connecting methods
NPT ( PT 连接美标 NPT ( PT / NPT ( PT ) connection American standard NPT ( PT )
UN / UN 的内螺纹连接/ UN / UNF internal thread connection
(3)阀体,接头体材料:1﹣碳钢4﹣不锈钢/ Valve body and connector material :1-carbon steel 4. Stainless steel
(4)球体和控制芯轴材料:1﹣合金钢2﹣黄铜4﹣不锈钢 Valve body and control core shaft material :1. Aloy steel 2- Braze 4 Stainless steel


(5)球体密封材料:1-POM/ bal body sealing material :1-POM
(6)接头体和控制芯轴密封圈材料:2﹣丁晴橡胶4﹣氟橡胶 Sealing ring materials for connector and control core shaft :2-NBR4-fluororubber注:材料1112为常规组合/ NOTE : material 1112 are common combinations
(7)手柄型式/ Handle type 01=铝质抱箍式手柄,直柄( AG )/ aluminum hold loop handle , straight handle ( AG )02﹣铝质抱箍式手柄,曲柄( AK )/ aluminum hold loop handle , crane handle ( AK ) 03﹣铸锌抱箍式手柄,直柄( ZG )/ galvanized hold loop handle , straight handle ( ZG ) 04=铸锌带安装螺栓的手柄,曲柄( ZK )/ galvanized hold loop handle with installation bolts , crane handle ( 06=钢质带安装螺栓的手柄,曲柄( SK )/ steel handle with instalation bolts , crane handle ( SK ) 09﹣无手柄/ no handle
(8)系列/ Series (由制造商定/ by the manufacturer )
(9)表面保护/ Surface protection 无=磷化/ None - phosphorization G ﹣镀黄锌/ G = yellow Zinc plating W =环保锌(三价格)/ W = Environmental protection zinc ( trivalency )

订货示例/ Ordering Code
KHBG F3/6 (1) 3) (4)(5)(6) (8)(9)(10)(
(1)型号/ Type
KHBG ( BKHG )=块型球﹣螺纹式法兰DNI6-25/
KHBG ( BKHG )= valve block ball valve - thread type flange DN16-25
KHMG ( MKHG )=袖套型球阀﹣螺纹式法兰DN32-50
KHMG ( MKHG )= sleeve type ball valve - thread type flange DN32-50
(2)公称通径/ Nominal diameter :13-65mm
(3) SAE 法兰形式/ SAE flange type F3符合SAEJ518C3000psi(21Mpa)/F3- confirming to SAEJ518C3000psi(21Mpa)F6符合SAEJ518C6000psi(42Mpa)/F6-Confirming to SAEJ518C6000psi(42 Mpa )
(4)阀体,接头体材料:1﹣碳钢/ Valve body and cOnnector materials :1-Carbon steel
(5)球体和控制芯轴材料:1﹣合金钢/ Valve body and control core shaft material :1.Alloy steel
(6)球体密封材料:1- POM / ball body sealing material :1-POM
(7)接头体和控制芯轴密封圈材料:2﹣丁晴橡胶4﹣氟橡胶 Sealing ring materials for connector and control core shaft :2-NBR4-fluororubber
(8)手柄型式/ Handle type 02=铝质抱箍式手柄,曲柄( AK )/02= aluminum hold loop handle , crane handle ( AK )06=钢质带固定螺栓式手柄,曲柄( SK )06= steel handle with installation bolts , crane handle ( SK ) 09=不带手柄/09= no handle
(9)系列/ Series (由制造商定)/( by the manufacturer )
(10)表面保护/ Surface protection 无=磷化/ None = phosphorization G =镀黄锌/ G = yelloW zinc plating W =环保锌(三价格)/ W = Environmental protection Zinc ( trivalency )
