订货示例/ Ordering Code
(1)适用: Y 液压系统/ Applicable : Y hydraulic system
(2)名称代号: JZQ 球形截止阀/ Name code : JZQ bal stop valve
(3)公称压力/ Nominal pressure : J -31.5MPaH-21MPa
(4)公称通径/ Nominal diameter :10-50mm
(5)连接形式/ Connecting methods :
1.N内螺纹连接( G 英制管螺纹)( ZG 英制锥管螺纹)( NPT 美标螺纹) Ninternal thread connection ( G Britain standard pipe thread )( ZG Bnitain cone thread )( NPT American standard thread )
2.W外螺纹连接/ Wexternal thread connection
3.B板式连接/ B - Disc connection
产品简介/ Production Overview
YJZQ 型高压球主要用于液压管路中控制油液的流通和截止。本型球具有流阻损失小、密封性能可靠、操作方便、外观精美等特点。 本型高压球体采用钢质锻件,表面镀铬。同时也提供本型号不锈钢球。
YJZQ type high pressure ball valve iS used to control the floW and stop of the TiuId in the hydraulic pipe . The ball valve has the advantages of Small floW lOSS , eliable Sealing penormance , ConvenientOperatiOns , and beautiful cOsmetic . The high pressure ball valve body adopts chrome - pasted steel forging . In addition , we also provide stainless steel ball valve of the same type .
温纳WENA RLF-950*20回油管路过滤器